It was improved by Wangjia No.1 practice drilling mud density that prediction safe drilling mud by use of seismic inversion is accuracy and in possession of engineering utility value. 王家1井的实钻钻井液密度数据证实了利用地震反演法预测的安全钻井液密度窗口是准确的,具有工程利用价值。
Our empirical study on the effect and influence of social capital upon university graduates employment behavior concluded that different possession amount of social capital has different possession of graduate sources and utility; 通过社会资本对高校毕业生就业行为的作用和影响的实证分析可得出以下结论:不同的社会资本拥有量对高校毕业生就业资源的获取与利用不同;
Basing on the factors of choice of travel modes that traveler adopts, five indicators of economy, convenience, speed, comfort and possession are selected to confirm utility function. 基于出行者选择出行方式的影响因素,选用经济性、方便性、快速性、舒适度和拥有度五个指标标定效用函数。
Knowledge is the source of enterprises 'competitiveness. Enterprises' survival and development mainly depend on the possession, creation and utility of knowledge. 知识是企业竞争力的源泉,企业的生存和发展将更多的取决于知识的拥有、创造和利用。